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UAE Humanitarian Efforts in the Gaza Strip

UAE initiatives, and the comprehensive ‘Gallant Knight 3’ operation, continue to provide humanitarian and relief support to the Gaza Strip.
The UAE dispatched
Tonnes of urgent supplies
to the Gaza Strip via
8 aid-ships 1,271 trucks
414 flights including 104 air-drops

Strategic Communication Department UAE Humanitarian Efforts in the Gaza Strip
The UAE, in cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United States, Cyprus, the United Nations, and several international donors, delivered
2,176 tonnes of food supplies
by sea to the Gaza Strip, in partnership with the American Near East Refugee Aid (Anera).
The UAE and the World Central Kitchen successfully delivered
300 tonnes of food relief to Gaza
via the Maritime Corridor, and distributed the aid in northern Gaza in a historic first.
The UAE, in partnership with the American Near
East Refugee Aid (Anera), announced the successful delivery of
400 tonnes of food relief
for the northern Gaza Strip, to meet the urgent needs of
120,000 people
The UAE has allocated
which was launched by the Republic of Cyprus to support the Maritime Corridor initiative between Cyprus and the Gaza Strip. The initiative aims to strengthen the capacity for the flow of humanitarian aid, by providing flexible funding modalities to enhance the humanitarian response to the needs of the people in the Strip.
On July 28, the fourth aid ship to depart from the UAE arrived in Al-Arish port,
carrying 5,340 tonnes of humanitarian supplies, the largest shipment since the launch of the UAE relief operations, as part of the country’s commitment to secure the urgent needs of Palestinians in Gaza.
The UAE established six desalination plants operating with a combined capacity of
1.2 million gallons
pumped daily to the Gaza Strip, which would benefit
over 600,000 people per day

Strategic Communication Department UAE Humanitarian Efforts in the Gaza Strip
The UAE sent five automatic bakeries to meet the daily needs of more than
72,000 people
Currently, the UAE is providing flour to 8 existing bakeries in Gaza, to meet the daily needs of
17,140 people
The UAE welcomed 794 patients from Gaza, accompanied by 850 of their family members, to receive medical treatment in the country’s hospitals, following the directives of His Highness the UAE President to provide care for 2,000 injured and cancer patients from the Strip, through 19 evacuation flights.
On July 30, the UAE, in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), announced an urgent initiative to evacuate 85 sick and severely injured Palestinians, including cancer patients in need of extensive treatment, accompanied by 63 family members, to Abu Dhabi from Ramon airport in Israel. This initiative demonstrates the importance of urgent humanitarian intervention to save lives and provide aid to those in need. It also reaffirms the steadfast commitment of the UAE and its wise leadership to supporting the people of Gaza, particularly the most vulnerable groups, amid the ongoing catastrophic situation in the Gaza Strip, by all means possible.
TWO HOSPITALS were established following the directives of His Highness the UAE President
A field hospital in the southern Gaza Strip with a capacity of 200 beds supervised by an Emirati medical team and staffed with more than 100 doctors, nurses, pharmacists and lab technicians.
22,955 Cases have been treated at the hospital since its inauguration on December 2nd, 2023.
A 100-bed Floating hospital anchored in Al-Arish Port launched its medical services on February 26th, 2024, in support of the field hospital; 4,201 cases were received.
The Comprehensive National System for Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Management (R100) has been implemented, enhanced by the latest technology, including AI and the processing of Big Data. This system is part of humanitarian initiatives such as ‘Gallant Knight 3’, which aims to provide medical treatment for
1,000 Palestinian cancer patients and 1,000 sick Palestinian children from the Gaza Strip. The system has facilitated the proactive registration and evacuation of these patients to the UAE, where they are receiving medical treatment and are being hosted at the UAE’s International Humanitarian City.

Strategic Communication Department UAE Humanitarian Efforts in the Gaza Strip
to provide urgent medical consultations via real-time video calls
Launching the “BIRDS OF GOODNESS” campaign to implement the airdrops of humanitarian relief over northern Gaza. To date, 104 airdrops have been completed, bringing the total amount of food and relief aid to more than 3,450 tonnes since the operation’s launch.
In December 2023, the UNSC adopted resolution 2720, penned by the UAE, which demands substantive, concrete steps to increase the flow of life-saving humanitarian aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip while protecting UN and humanitarian staff on the ground. The adopted resolution, includes a request for the UN Secretary-General to appoint a Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator.
The UAE allocated USD 5 MILLION
to support the UN Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza.
Allocated by His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE President, in response to the challenging humanitarian circumstances faced by the brotherly Palestinian people, to support the efforts of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).
Through the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives to support the health sector in Gaza, in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO).
Through the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives to provide food relief in Gaza, in coordination with the World Food Program (WFP).
Launching “Tarahum for Gaza” campaign to collect humanitarian relief packages. During the campaign, more than 71,000 relief packages were prepared, with the participation of 24,000 volunteers and 20 charitable institutions.


UAE Humanitarian Efforts in the Gaza Strip


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